When was your last Dryer Vent Cleaning?
Did your know, according to the National Fire Protection Association 92 % of house fires are started with dryers. 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss. Failure to clean the dryer (34 percent) is the leading cause of home clothes dryer fires. Lint is highly flammable, there could have been a fire inside of your dryer and you didn't even realize it. Protect Your Family and Have Your Dryer Vent Cleaned. Dryer fires start inside of the dryer and more through your dry vent. We Recommend To Have Your Dryer Vent Cleaned at least Once a Year. If you have more people living inside of your home with pets we recommend every 6 months. If we perform this task for you or if you call another company, Protect your family from something that is preventable. Do Not Leave Your Dryer Running When You Leave Your House.
Call Abbott Appliance for preventive maintenance on your dryer and dryer vent cleaning.

and dryer vent.
pliance Today to Have Your Dryer Vent Cleaned.